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Design Information



18.03.2010 we were the proud recipients of an award from the Icelandic "Byggðastofnun" (Rural communities council) sponsored by the Export Council of Iceland, University for the Arts, ÍMARK, Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands (The Icelandic new inventions center), Iceland design Center and "Handverk og Hönnun" (Crafts and Design)... This award will support our work marketing abroad.

APA ​​5 Star Approved

We are proud to inform that the American Pet Association contacted us a while back and requested samples of all our products for thorough testing. After a good while they got back to us letting us know that they had awarded us with a five star approval (the highest available) for:

  1.  The quality of our products 

  2.  Customer service 

  3.  Company ethics

This was especially pleasing as with the experience came the certainty that this type of approval cannot be bought, coerced or solicited. We have the utmost respect for the American Pet Association and their mission to research, test and verify that the pet products on the market are as safe and of the highest quality available for the purposes they are intended. We flaunt their approval badge with great pride and gratitude.

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