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Design Information

The Design

​​The Design

​Hi, my name is Bjarndis Helena Mitchell, but you can call me: Bjarndis, Baddy or Helena - whichever makes you comfortable.

But that's just it! Comfort! This is what our design is all about, the comfort for both the dog and handler in the show ring.

Our main focus is to design and provide the best show lead for each individual in question. We are on a mission to take a really close look into the solutions needed for our clients, taking everything into account:


  • Breed

  • Size

  • Color

  • Coat

  • Show style

  • Solve individual problems for our clients that they may be facing.

  • All so that the show ring experience can be a smooth and comfortable one and that at the end of the day the dog managed to show all it's best features and qualities before the judge. Moments matter and we all know that in the few minutes we have in the ring, the whole package is being scrutinized every split second of the way.

Solutions we have focused on

and found solutions to are:​​


  • Excess cord and managing bundles of lead in your hand, along with blisters and burns causing discomfort for the handler in the ring - we provide the Handlers Handy Handle (patent pending) that solves all these problems in one go!

  • Widening of the cord and the dog slipping out of the lead in the ring - we use a cord lock for many types of our show leads and a unique locking system with beads for Simple Showleads and couples brace's

  • Finding the right solutions with regards to coat type - here we have found various solutions for coats, providing cord or braids to suit types of coats for various breeds, but with all other features regular show leads provide suited to each individual show style also.

  • We feel that the coat is better protected when we use satin cord and not metal chains.

  • Covering metal trimmings placed behind the ears for fluffy or long coats, with rubber so that the coat does not tangle or get caught in the trimmings.

  • We also custom make solutions to our clients requests taking all the specific individual requirements to heart in our design.

  • Couples brace for use with individual collars and the lead of your choice to provide a quick and easy solution to combining existing collars and leads in the couples and progeny competitions.

We at Handlers have from the start encouraged our clients to tell us truthfully how they are doing with the products that we provide. Most of the time coming up with solutions to problems they are looking to solve so that we can offer them a truly "the best show lead" that provides the whole package. The feedback we receive is very valuable to us and helps us understand, solve and provide the best leads in the business.

Our product development has been very fast and truthfully, we have learned so much along the way. We are still learning, but are confident that we are on the right track and that the solutions we provide so far are the best in the business... a shortcut to the "Design your own" process is here - check out what we recommend for your breed here! If you have a problem you would like to solve, contact us, we will probably understand and come up with a suggestion that fits.

We have a range second to none on the market, our leads are not mass produced, but made to the request of each customer. We welcome all communication from our clients, good and bad as we can not solve problems we do not know exist.


Keep in touch and lets enjoy the magnificence of our dogs together!

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